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Festivals In Egypt

Festivals in Egypt

Festivals in Egypt are numerous. Because Egypt is home to many different religions, the Egyptian calendar is jam-packed with yearly celebrations. Many of these fun celebrations in Egypt last for days and involve singing, dancing, dressing up in costumes, and eating a lot. Public holidays and festivals in Egypt are the best ways to taste Egyptian culture. If you’re planning a trip, check out our Egypt tour packages and prepare to attend the most exciting festivals of Egypt.

What are the Most Popular Festivals in Egypt?

Religion Festivals in Egypt

Islamic Festivals

As a respectable Muslim country, festivals in Egypt are wide-ranging, especially religious ones, in their annual calendar.

1- Ramadan
Ramadan lanterns
Ramadan lanterns in Egypt

During the ninth lunar month, Muslims observe the fasting month of Ramadan. During this time, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking anything from dawn until dusk while they keep the fast. When Muslims fast, they do so in honor of the impoverished and to remember the Prophet Muhammad’s receiving of the first words of the Qur’an from Allah.

If you want to see Cairo in all its medieval glory at night, we suggest wandering the historic streets of Cairo. Muizz street and Khan El Khalili have particularly festive streets. In addition to Morsi Abul Abbas’s famed mosques and the city of Alexandria, there are many more places to visit in Egypt. It is common to see food tables on the streets for those less fortunate.

Fanoos Ramadan or Ramadan A lantern is an Egyptian tradition exclusive to the month of Ramadan. Shops, residences, and restaurants all display brightly colored lanterns as part of this unique festival. Music-playing lanterns are made from repurposed materials and are a growing trend. While on one of our Egypt trips, your guide will take you to visit the famous lantern displays in Cairo or on Ahmed Maher Street—the street of lanterns.

Try traditional Egyptian food and drinks during Ramadan to get a natural feel for the season. Bakery treats like baklava, made from phyllo pastry and filled with cream or ricotta cheese and almonds, are popular with locals.

** Please note that Ramadan fasting does not affect the services of Amon Ra Tours.
All trips and excursions are operating as normal, with minor changes being made to take into account the fact that not all restaurants are open all day.

2- Eid Al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr Festivals in Egypt
Eid Al-Fitr Celebrations in Egypt

In the Muslim calendar, Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr fall on the same day. However, the dates are different in the Western calendar, which is also used in Egypt. The Muslim calendar is based on the lunar cycle, whereas the Western calendar is based on the solar process. The two festivals can shift by up to 11 days each year. A famous greeting is “Eid Mubarak,” which translates to “May your Eid be blessed!”

3- Eid Al-Adha
Eid al-Adha Festivals
Eid Al-Adha Celebrations in Egypt

It is equally or more significant, demonstrating Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son for God’s sake. Families recall the sheep he ultimately slaughtered instead of his son with the slaughter of their sacrificial offering. Many cities and villages will be full of tethered animals in the weeks following Eid, which will be slaughtered following the morning prayers. Eid al-Adha, which occurs a few weeks afterward, marks the beginning of the new Islamic year.

4- Mawlid Al-Nabi
Mawlid Al-Nabi
Dolls and Horse Treats for Mawlid Al-Nabi

Muslim countries throughout the globe commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad with tremendous excitement. It is commemorated on the 12th of Rabi al-Awal, the third month of the Muslim calendar. The streets are littered with brightly colored clothing, party lights, and a festive atmosphere. Sweet, nutty candies, dolls for females, and horse treats for children are all part of the customary meal of the day in the Middle Eastern country.

5- Sayeda Zeinab Mawlid
Sayeda Zeinab Mawlid in Egypt
Sayeda Zeinab Mawlid in Egypt

Millions of people from throughout the Arab world attend the annual event in honor of Sayyida Zainab, the Prophet Muhammad’s granddaughter.

6- Mawlid of Al-Hussein
Mawlid of Al-Hussein
Mawlid of Al-Hussein in Egypt

It’s one of the city’s most well-attended and well-attended street events all year. A week-long celebration culminates in this event on the final Wednesday of the Islamic month of Rabi el-Tani. It is held in the El-Hussein Mosque, which honors the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, who was slain in Iraq in 680.

Coptic Festivals of Egypt

7- Coptic Christmas
Christmas Celebrations in Egypt
Christmas Celebrations in Egypt

Coptic Egyptians celebrate Coptic Christmas on January 7th, and in recent years, more of the Western Christmas celebration’s trappings have made their way to Egypt. You may see more Christmas decorations in Egypt than you thought at this time, including Santa hats, lights, and trees.

Check out our top Christmas tour packages and book the best Christmas holiday trip to Egypt.

8- Coptic Easter
Coptic Easter Celebrations
Coptic Easter Celebrations

After midnight on Easter Sunday, Coptic Christians recite the Easter prayer celebrating the Great Evening; there will be a drama about Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. Heaven’s gates looked locked, and the chamber darkened to signify the fall of man into sin. During Easter, a big family supper is served to celebrate the end of a long time of fasting. Fish, meat, eggs, bread, and biscuits are frequent culinary staples. Coptic Christians also buy and wear new attire, visiting relatives and friends at their houses.

9- Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday in Egypt
Egyptian Palm Traders Making Fronds in Various Shapes

Egyptian Christians mark Palm Sunday by commemorating Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem surrounded by worshipers armed with palm fronds and olive branches. Traders of palm fronds stop in front of churches and streets to sell the fronds in various shapes and styles, including crosses and decorations.

Ancient Festivals in Egypt

10- Sham El Nessim

Sham El- Nessim in Egypt
Family Picnic at Sham El Nessim

An ancient Egyptian celebration that is still performed by Egyptians today. The name refers to the smell of spring, which is cherished during the spring season. It’s a one-day holiday where picnics are held in parks, beaches, and historical locations by families with a basket full of salted fish, colorful eggs, and onions. The entire country is bustling with activity during Sham El Nessim, and everyone is smiling.

11- Abu Simbel Sun Festival

The Sun Festival Celebrations
Egyptian traditional performers make shows for the sun festival.

The Sun Festival is held twice a year at Abu Simbel, Egypt’s most important temple. Locals celebrate with traditional Nubian dances, street food, and live music outside the temple, all while saving room in their stomachs for some delicious Egyptian food.

Know more about Abu Simbel Sun Festival.

12- Wafaa Al Nil

Egypt Nile River
Egypt Nile River at Night

The Nile River is honored at this event, celebrating one of Egypt’s most enduring emblems. In Egypt, it’s one of the oldest celebrations. The festival’s September highlights include painting contests, poetry readings, seminars, and music performances, all of which take place under the current circumstances.

13- Leylet en Nuktah

Leylet en Nuktah
Leylet en Nuktah in Egypt

One of the most renowned celebrations in Egypt is Leylet En Nuktah. The Nile is a deity in ancient Egypt because it was the site of the region’s oldest civilization and is currently a significant source of water and income for the Egyptian people. The Egyptians used to sacrifice beautiful women to please their gods at this festival. Modern Egyptians still observe the event, but they no longer make sacrifices. Instead, they host picnics and family reunions along the Nile’s banks.

14- Sphinx Festival

Sphinx Festivals in Egypt
Sphinx Festival

Egypt hasn’t forgotten its golden past. An extravagant five-day celebration called the Sphinx festival takes place in the Red Sea resort town of El Gouna. This event aims to educate the public about ancient Egypt’s legacy while inspiring artists and tourists to explore the country.

Music Festivals

15- Cairo Jazz

Cairo Jazz
Cairo Jazz

Every March, the Cairo Jazz Festival brings together some of the best musicians in the world. Festival See top-notch shows by some of the biggest names in the business. The Cairo Jazz Club is the one you can’t miss. It takes place in three different locations in Cairo.

16- Sandbox Festival

Sandbox Festivals in Egypt
Sandbox Festival in Egypt

Egypt’s young and cool people go to Hurghada in June for a three-day music festival that takes place right on the beach. People who play house, techno, and dance music bring people out to party late into the night. This beachside festival is fun for people who want to learn more about young and modern Egyptian culture or who love to dance.

17- International Festival for Drums and Traditional Arts

International Festival for Drums and Traditional Arts
International Festival for Drums and Traditional Arts Show at Old Cairo

Want to go to a music festival that won’t break the bank? Then this festival is just for you. Since 2012, the Citadel of Salah Al-Din has held a festival in the third week of April.
At the festivals of Egypt, people from 30 countries come together to share their cultures and drum beats. All of this is free. Free drum shows around the world can be seen in the historical Citadel, decorated with lights. What more could you want?

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